by Kelly Crawford | Mar 19, 2019 | Public Engagement
It’s election time. The polices and promises are rolling out as are the memes, sound bites, and social media rants. We are encouraged to have an opinion and to shout it loudly. We have a chance to engage with news articles, to throw out our opinions via Facebook... by Kelly Crawford | Dec 19, 2018 | Public Engagement
By Susan McPhee at Armidale District Baptist Church Dr Seuss wrote a poem, ‘Oh the places you’ll go!’ which was published with wonderful pictures of the highs and lows that might happen along the way. Yet, in spite of the troubles along the way, it is a poem about... by Kelly Crawford | Dec 19, 2018 | Public Engagement
By Kelly Crawford Earlier this year I had the privilege of attending Blacktown Baptist Church for a Sunday service. I was there to interview a group of men and women who came to Australia as refugees and have since found themselves welcomed into the “family” of... by Kelly Crawford | Dec 12, 2018 | Public Engagement
*Brenda (name has been changed) wants to tell you about her story of domestic violence. If you need to talk to someone, please call the National DV Service Hotline 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). Thank you to all of our churches who participated in the No Place for... by Kelly Crawford | Nov 7, 2018 | Public Engagement
Check out this video “The Monsters Are Real”, a finalist in the “Videos for Change” Competition. It was made by Janiru LIyanage, a year 8 student, who attends Pennant Hills Baptist Church. Congratulations, Janiru, and thank you for addressing...